Sunday, December 19, 2010

Crawling out of my hole . . .

I'm sending my novel, NASTY, back out into the world again. A few weeks ago I was cleaning out my history files in one of my email accounts, and I came across my rejection folder. I like to keep these, so I thought I'd go ahead and copy them all over to my hard drive. When I opened the folder, I noticed that there were only a couple of dozen rejections. What??? Clearly I got discouraged and quit. I must have also exaggerated the number in my mind. Only that many, and I quit?

So, I went back through the manuscript and did another edit, and now I'm sending out the queries again. It feels good to be back on the mean streets of publishing again. We'll see what happens.

Meanwhile, I'm gearing up for the final push on my YA novel, and should have that done soon. I hate to commit to a date, but I'm shooting for the end of February.

So this blog was started with a look toward cleaning up some of the entropy in my life. I'm on my way . . . again. :)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

So It Goes.

The other day I was delivering one of my many "follow your dreams" type comments to one of my classes, when a student asked me what my dreams are. That's not something I think about too often, as I've actually achieved most of my dreams. After a little thought, though, I said, "Well, I want to stand beside my son while we get our black belts together. I want to hold hands with my wife atop the Eiffel Tower, and I want to make a living as a writer."

The first two drew "Awwwww's" from the girls in the class, as if those were the cutest little goals they'd ever heard. Dress 'em up in bunny ears and post them to "I Can Haz Chezburger?" they're so cute. That third one, though, that was the sticky wicket.

"What's stopping YOU Mr. Wright?"